
About Us

In the early 1940’s Gordon H. Wallace walked his horse from the slopes of four-mile creek in Central Western NSW to the rolling hills of Billimari near Cowra. Upon realising the immense potential of these rich soils of the Lachlan Valley he decided that this was where he would settle down and build a farm and family. Today this land is the home of Brookfield Farms & Pastoral where his son Philip and his team are still striving to get the best out of this fertile land.

He quickly realised that this potential would only be realised with the most efficient tools and machinery which led to the build of his first implement, a self-propelled spraying rig. Following the success of this assignment he went on to make more and more machines which would lead to the very successful Brookfield Strategic Tillage Project.


Today Brookfield Farms & Pastoral includes the following properties:

  • Elsie Vale


The team at Brookfield Farms & Pastoral

  • Phillip Wallace
  • Chris Campbell